Comment on that Walls Magnum’s commercial break:
New commercial break from Walls Magnum is very interesting, simple, easily understood and explained its meaning. The video ad explains that there is a woman who was stuck in traffic on the street. She felt tired until finally she saw trucks carrying Magnum ice cream. She came out of the car and jump over other cars that are in front to get a Magnum. Until finally, she got the Magnum and make the people who are stuck in traffic also bought the Magnum. Based on that video ad, very clear aims and objectives. The goal is to attract the attention of the consumer to buy the Magnum when they're bored. Because the Magnum can give pleasure to their customers with a thick Belgian chocolate. It also is in accordance with its motto Magnum is "for pleasure seekers".
Premium segmentation:
Because if we viewed from the ads that are on TV (commercial break), the ad was luxurious and elegant. This suggests that the target segmentation Magnum ice cream is the premium (high class). Since the first Magnum already has a charm as one of the ice cream that prestigious. Magnum is positioned as a more premium product than any other product Walls. This is because the composition of Magnum ice cream that comes from Belgian chocolate and the package is also thicker, simple, attractive compared to other products. Magnum is already there from the first, and indeed has become the most expensive product of the first Walls. During this time, Walls Paddle Pop vigorous campaign that targeted the segment of children, with the Lion of funny, and Conello / Cornetto who target teens, with themes love and Magnum for premium segment. But it must be admitted, ad Magnum models old daughter, who can eat a lot of the facility after it became a gimmick Magnum in the community. And since the ads began Magnum vigorous again and highly marketable. Now Magnum also made more sensational by giving a touch of “Royal” taste and “Royal” style. Moreover, shoot the target market women portrayed in the ads get privileged, privileged with chocolate pleasure. Another reason is the Walls realize now changing consumer behavior from the first. Side of growing consumerism and Hedonism become. Moreover, its Indonesian market, which sell whatever expensive it is sold. Magnum @ Rp 10,000, would still be sold, ice cream which costs range Rp 20,000-40,000 alone could sell much less the only Rp 10,000. If the brand true, not seem cheap, the campaign is pressed, the result must be successful. And proved to be up and running smoothly, but had never imagined eating Walls Magnum. However, if the time is bored again sought "Magnum". That’s way, it is clear that the Walls Magnum targeted to people who are high class (for the premium segment).
Consumer emotional:
Because each ad Magnum show privilege, luxury, happiness, togetherness and always use the figure of a woman who symbolizes the beauty and tenderness. So buyers interested in buying it, because the beauty and tenderness can be fused into one in a Magnum ice cream. Not only that, the difference in the character of a woman was also demonstrated in other Magnum ads. So, I think Magnum was different as the character of a woman. Wall's Magnum launches three new variants in Indonesia, each of which represents a symbol of its own. Wall's Magnum Classic represents the original sense of Wall's Magnum with the best quality is evident from the first bite of a layer of Belgian chocolate on vanilla ice cream is so smooth. Wall's Magnum Almond symbol synonymous with sexy and adventurous spirit embodied in vanilla ice cream layered thick Belgian milk chocolate and crunchy almonds mixed delicious. While Wall's Magnum Truffle radiates luxury that is available in chocolate ice cream mixed with chocolate truffles, chocolate covered Belgian thick and crunchy. In addition, Magnum makes the buyer feel special to buy their products. That's why Walls Magnum using emotional consumer in the commercial breaks to attract consumers to buy products to get happiness as its advertising message at the end of “manjakan dirimu dalam kenikmatan yang mewah”
I think billboards still exist as to minimize the promotional budget. Although now is the digital marketing area, but we as marketers also requires billboards to promote our products. We can know that if the advertisement only in pairs on TV (commercial break) it will be a lot of shortcomings for now. Ads on TV are expensive, uncontrollable, can’t details, and easy to change the channel. As we know, most of the audiences only want to see TV program, not see the commercial break. If there is a commercial break, most of them directly move the TV channels. It's very difficult controlled by marketers. That’s way, until now billboards still exist, especially on products that are needed by many people (convenience products). For instance, the provider Indosat. Indosat still using billboards and still exist in some roads, especially when the holidays Eid (Hari Raya Idul Fitri). Indosat very strong to promote their products on the roads. If I as marketer then I still use the billboard to keep the brand awareness of my product and increases buying of sales.
Tekan dan Gesek-Gesek
11 years ago
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